Mandy Barstow
-Founder and former owner of Studio 109 for 23 years
-Rochester Chamber of Commerce member 1998-2023
-Board of Directors, Rochester Chamber of Commerce 2020-2023
-Has taught and choreographed award-winning soloist and group performances at regional and national competitions
-As previous director of the Performance Troupe, the Studio has earned Team Spirit and Class Act Awards at several competitions in New England
-Lead organizer for the Rochester Main Street's "Zombie Walk"
-Attended Dance Teacher Summit in NYC July 2016
-Attended Dance Teacher Web Live Conference in CT August 2015
-Choreographed Noble High School musicals 2005-2012, 2014
-On the Board for Rochester Main Street for three years; Chair of Entertainment
-Member of the Committee that started Rochester's Family OctoberFest
-Dance Educator at Noble High School 2005-2006 school year
-Entertainment Coordinator for National Night Out and Lilac Family Fun Fest
-Mentor in the Big Buddy program in Rochester from 1999-2006
-2001 Rochester Jaycees "Young Citizen of the Year"
-Studio 109 Relay for Life Tutus for Tatas team member