Emma Katherine
-Studio 109 instructor since 2018
-Studio 109 Performance Troupe Director since 2021
-Trained for 15 years under the direction of Lisa Drouin Goff at Turning Pointe Center of Dance in Pembroke, NH
-Completed a two year dance pedagogy apprenticeship with Turning Pointe Center of Dance from 2014-2016
–Has been teaching all styles of dance with a strong focus on ballet technique for over ten years
-Choreographed and performed with Boston non-profit dance company "Onstage Dance Company" in 2020
-Started a latin ballroom group at The Health Club of Concord in 2018 after working with Arthur Murray's ballroom teacher training program in Manchester, NH
-Produced, choreographed, and directed a benefit concert "A Night to Give Back" to support local/nonprofit women's shelters in southern NH in 2018
-Performed professionally from 2012-2017 in the U.S in locations such as Universal Studios, New York City, Disney World, DisneyLand, Chicago, Boston, and Atlanta
-Has held and performed lead dance roles in The Nutcracker, Coppelia, Hello Dolly!, The Wizard of Oz, Grease and many more locally in southern NH